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4.5 101 0.5
Checkers Lovies Nappies
Checkers March 28, 2023 30129
Lovies Ultra
Overall rating
I am a huge fan of Lovies diapers - used to vouch for Huggies Gold and could not be persuaded to use anything else until I tried the Lovies pants. Wonderful product!! BUT the Lovies Ultra... My goodness NO. EVERY SINGLE TIME and I mean EVERY time my baby of 7 months makes a poo it will go either through the legs or up te back. I can't take it anymore, really!! Everything is constantly full of orange or green poop. I am now in the habit of packing 5 outfits for daycare because I know there will be spills. Picking my baby up from daycare, get home and the car seat is full of poop. Going to a school event, had to leave early because the stroller and everything in it is full of poop. Allowing my baby to co-sleep, wake up in a bed full of poop. Playing with her on the living room's carpet - everything is full of poop. No man!! I thought it might be the size, so I bought a bigger one... Nothing changed and now I have a full pack that I need to use before I can buy one that I know will keep everything inside.
I don't know what was changed or "improved" but it really was the last time I buy the Ultra nappy. Back to the pull-ups like with my toddler.

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